What is a web hosting service? Web hosting service is a kind of internet hosting service that permits internet users and groups to supply their personal website available through the World Wide Web. In able to launch your existence on the World Wide Web for your business and personal site, you have to look for a web hosting company. Web hosts endow you with room on a server they possess for utilize by their customers. There are loads of web hosting companies over the internet but it’s really tough to find one since most web hosting companies specialize in affordable, feature rich web hosting packages for clients. If you are planning to put up your own website, or if you have an existing website and planning to transfer to a better web hosting company, then you must take time to read web hosting rating. Web hosting rating is a latest host rating site where you can locate the largest searchable web hosting directory showing full information on all web hosting providers such as Inmotion hosting, Web hosting pad, Globat, Bluehost Co, Hostmonster and Yahoo Hosting to name a few.. Moreover, clients can compare each company’s hosting plans, promotional and discount coupons and real and honest reviews by customers. The ranking was made to help webmasters on their decision-making plus you can view web hosting awards for reference. For beginners, finding, a web host can be one of the most significant decisions you make for yourself or your business that’s why Web Hosting Rating has provided web hosting tutorials to guide you in every step of the way. Plus, other related articles are also supplied to give you some bonus ideas on what web hosting is all about. At Web Hosting Rating, they aspire to give their clients utmost satisfaction that’s why they have given out all the information you need for your web hosting needs.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
How Independent Am I?
Posted on 2:03 PMby Gracie with No comments
Your Independence Level: High |
You are extremely self reliant and autonomous. You are definitely into doing your own thing. But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it. You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly. |
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Blissful Weekend
Posted on 11:25 PMby Gracie with No comments
Hey guys! Sup? How’s your weekend? Mine was filled with so much fun. =) As usual, I am here to share with you some of the things that happened to me the last few days.
- In spite of a very bad weather last Sunday, the out-of-town trip with the family still pushed through.
- In spite of a very bad weather last Sunday, the out-of-town trip with the family still pushed through.
- Yesterday, I just received a text from my brother informing me that his wife is 2 weeks pregnant.
- I got the chance to see my tita's brand new car.
- And of course, I am always thankful with all my heart, to Our Lord Jesus Christ for all the blessings He has given us. God is good all the time!
My PR's back
Yahoo! My Pr's back and it's now PR 2. Thank you Google! Thank you Lord for answering my prayers! Blog's page rank is very important in getting assignments from legit blog paying websites. But first, I have to find my niche in order to drive more traffic into my blog!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Manong's Bar & Grill
My family and I just had an awesome dinner at one of our favorite Filipino restaurants in the country, Manong’s Bar and Grill.
We have ordered for baked mussels and liempo. I'm a sucker for seafoods! I can finish one plate of baked mussels in less than 5 minutes. I'd like to try the other Pinoy viands on our next visit such as sinigang and kare-kare.
We have ordered for baked mussels and liempo. I'm a sucker for seafoods! I can finish one plate of baked mussels in less than 5 minutes. I'd like to try the other Pinoy viands on our next visit such as sinigang and kare-kare.
Upper groundSM SouthMall AlmanzaAlabang-Zapote
National Rd.Las Pinas City
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Panic! At The Disco Live in Manila
Posted on 9:58 PMby Gracie with No comments
Soo late post:
Pop-rock/punk band Panic! At The Disco is coming to the Philippines. And yes, it's on Thursday August 14, 2008 at Araneta Coliseum. The event will be sponsored by Magnolia Pure Water, E-aji, GSM Blue and Little Asia in cooperation with media associates 22nd Avenue, ETC, CS, MYX, Jack TV, Jam 88.3, 89.9 Magic, Wave 89.1, Campus 99.5 and Mellow 94.7. Don't miss this chance of seeing your favorite band up close and personal.
I am back!
Posted on 9:36 PMby Gracie with No comments
I’ve been MIA for a while because I was busy updating my domain website. As you can see, my page rank 2 has dropped into deplorable “n/a” rank. I never thought that there’s such thing as “not applicable” page rank until I finally got one here at my blogger account. Ouch! There might be a lot of reasons why Google cancelled all of my blogs' page ranks. And one of the reasons I have in mind is the Niche thingy. I have heard from a friend that blogs should have a good niche, meaning good content and all that. I guess I have to think of something that definitely would drive traffic to my website and of course, take back the PR that was taken away from me. I was deeply saddened!
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