Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Filipino Streetfood

Filipino streetfood at its finest! My baby's 34th birthday was definitely a day full of adventures. Right after our short getaway to Poracay Resort in Porac-Pampanga, we went to Capampangan Island in the City of San Fernando for a simple birthday dinner celebration. I was tickled pink when I saw one table at the corner filled with Filipino or "Pinoy" streetfood. Isaw is my all-time favorite! I can finish 10 sticks of isaw in just one sitting. The other two tables were loaded with scrumptious Filipino viands, of course, cooked in Kapampangan way. 

As you may already know, Pampanga is the culinary capital of the Philippines. They have the best cooks in the country! Their food is always festive and full of flavors. I'd like to have some of their famous exotic food on my next visit, kamaru (crickets) or betute tugak (stuffed frog).